Thursday, July 14, 2011


now...did we have a fight?have ever have a fight?well of course we do and did...who didn't...even if we didn't please...let's talk about it...don't keep it silence.....from not having a fight we might ended up having ever did we fight?over what?is it silly things that you're not approve of?is it something that i dissatisfied about? why did ever we do it?....there's a saying..from 3 abdul movie of the late tan sri p ramle....sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, apa pula suami isteri...hmmmm...let me explain....everyone will a fights...dont matter how closed they are...they will have a fight...there might be a big fight...or a small decide what we do about it then?....ha ah....buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih, baru teguh is a song actually..and i like it very much...hehehehe...meaning....throw away all the bad things and take the good ones...the bad ones we learn from that's all i got to say for now....happy reading...

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